Sunday, April 3, 2011

Inception Gizmo Greek

Hi my name is Akshay Gupta, I am student currently pursuing graduation in Information Technology. Over many years I have learned many things in this field and most of them have originated from experiences of different people from their blogs mostly. However I have always noticed some serious faults in those blogs which really confused me in absorbing the topic of the blog.

I now start Gizmo Greek keeping in mind the following rules:

* Delivering my proper researched blogs on topics related to major I.T sectors for readers at every level.

* The blog will always follow a given structure (given below) and the manner of speech will be formal.

* Readers can write their comments to request research on any topic or argue on the given one.

* Posts will be uploaded weekly after proper research.

* Links to digital materials such as E books and software's regarding the topic will be posted in the blog.

* Each month an new theme for the posts will be chosen like mobile computing, Os development, gaming etc.


* Blog will have two sections for the beginners and advanced users pertaining to the given topic.

* The order of segments of the blog will be:

# Introduction
# Description or Procedure
# Advanced
# Materials
# Views
# References

* Introduction will be mostly for the basic users and will list the content covered in the blog.

* Description section  will contain my main research on the topic and will give the procedure if any.

* Advanced section will contain technical details for those who can understand it, links will be given for better understanding this section for beginners.

** Please help me grow this blog by sharing your views and knowledge, so we can all benefit from it.

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